I'm Sam, a mum, certified sensitive sleep consultant and primary school teacher. I have a passion for helping families achieve sleep success.
I'm so glad you're here and have taken the first step to getting sleep support. A step that took me much longer than it should have to make.
Together we will discuss the challenges you are facing and discuss a personalised sleep plan that suits you, your family and most importantly your baby.
I've been where you are right now!
As a high-functioning, highly organised, perfectionist, who has suffered anxiety in the past, I struggled being a first-time mum!
I would spend days and nights looking at my beautiful, healthy baby, who wouldn't sleep and I would just cry, wondering what I was doing wrong. Why couldn't I help my son sleep? I was forever fearful of doing the "wrong" thing.
At 12 weeks postpartum, I finally sought medical help for my mental health and was diagnosed with postnatal depression and anxiety (PNDA).
The root of my anxiety stemmed from my son's sleep, or lack of. I became so worried about him not getting enough sleep, that I would rock and pat him to sleep. This became unsustainable as bedtime turned into a 4 hour battle, every night! He was getting bigger and heavier and the time it took to rock and pat him to sleep was getting longer and longer. I felt like I was failing him as a mum
I embarked on a journey to empower myself with the complete knowledge and understanding to help create sustainable, positive sleep habits for our whole family, whilst supporting and responding to my baby.
My approach to sleep is truly holistic, working with families using gentle and responsive – but effective – sleep strategies to help their little ones get back on track with their natural sleep rhythm, and to meet the sleep goals of the family.
I truly understand that there is no "one size fits all", that every family is unique with different sleep goals. Sleep is important for everyone, children and adults alike. We will work within your comfort zone to have the whole family feeling more well rested.
No matter what your current challenges are or your desired sleep goals, we will work through them together to achieve sleep success.